Water is one of the cores essential and necessity in the word. It has been identified as one of
the most important natural resources and somewhat different from the rest, because it is
viewed as a key to prosperity and wealth (Arbuès et al., 2003). It has various benefits and uses
which include habitation for the life forms-living things on the biosphere, for the natural
processes, for the communities, for the society, for the economy of the country and for oncoming generations (Kurunthachalam ,2014). Water conservation includes all the policies,
strategies and activities to sustainably manage the natural resource of fresh water, to protect
the hydrosphere, and to meet the current and future human demand. Water conservation
remains an important strategy to ensure future water supply. Failure to conserve water leads to
scarcity of fresh water for human consumption and even lead to draught. According to Nova,
2023, water scarcity and drought pose significant challenges to sustainable development,
making effective water management crucial. Water security on the other hand is the most
substantial prerequisite in achieving sustainable development (Zucchinelli et al., 2021). It is
anticipated that climate change will decrease the reliability of water supplies, due to reductions
in rainfall, and the increasing variability of rainfall events (Intergovernmental Panel on
Climate Change, 2007). The conservation of water resources will therefore become
increasingly imperative. Consequently, its good for country to implement policies aimed at
water conservation (Dolnicar 2022)
Factors influencing water conservation.
Water conservation play an integral role in environmental sustainability. Given the imperative
of water conservation for environmental sustainability, efficient water management, and
climate change mitigation, it is critical to understand what factors contribute to water
conservation behaviour (Dolnicar 2022) There are many factors that influences water
conservation. Namely, environmental awareness, information, gender, having experienced
draught and perceived benefits. beliefs regarding human–environment interactions; attitudes
about water in general; attitudes about water conservation; information sources; knowledge
about water-related issues; social norms relating to water; habits; perception of water crisis
and knowledge about climate change, have all been identified as being associated with water
conservation. In addition, a number of socio-demographic variables also associated with water
conservation have been identified, namely: age; income; education; dwelling type; property
value; number of residents in the household; and not owning a garden.
Water conservation sustainable behaviors.
The key activities to water conservation leading to environmental sustainability includes,
reduction of water loss, use and waste of resources, avoiding water damage to water quality
and improving water management practices (Duane Et al,1984). This calls for concerted effort
for all the stake holders to conserve the environment. Conservation behavior can only be
increased if the key drivers of such behavior are understood because it dertermines sustainable
behavior. A sustainable way of life requires, in theory, a propensity for the future. Anticipating
the consequences of own behavior, and a long-term thinking are characteristic of individuals
concerned with the status of the environment. Realizing that current actions have consequences
not only on the individual, but on others as well, should be conducive to sustainable behaviors
(Pinheiro, 2002a). The motivation the person has influences tendency to conserve water.
The aims of water conservation efforts include ensuring availability of water for future
generation, energy conservation of water pumping delivery and wastewater treatment facilities
which consume a lot of energy. In addition, habitat conservation by minimizing water usage
resulting to preserving freshwater habitat for local wildlife and migrating waterfowl (Hermosa
et al, 2016). As population growth continues around the world, there are many concerns about
water scarcity. This trend shows the current need for saving water resources to prevent
significant water shortages in the future. In many countries, the scarcity of water resources
places many constraints on the economic development of arid and semi-arid regions
Worldwide, most land is used for the production of food (about 40%). High pressure from
intense agricultural activities on land has made it one of the most important concerns of
policymakers, environmentalists, and the scientific community. Water conservation is critical
because of the environmental concerns. The concern is pollution making it inhabitable, climate
change and global warming affecting world climate at large, resource depletion and alteration
of environmental heritage. (Maria and Domiano ,2017)
The key strategy to water conservation is which entails rainwater harvesting from the roofs t
avoid runoff. Digging ponds, lakes, canals, expanding the water reservoir, and installing
rainwater catching ducts and filtration systems on homes are different methods of harvesting
rainwater (Kurunthachalam,2014). Another Strategy is Protecting of ground water form
contamination. Septic tanks, underground storage uncontrolled hazardous waste landfills and
chemical have all potential of contaminating underground water. Practicing sustainable
methods of usage of underground water. This can be achieved through sustainable pumping of
water from the underground to ensure the underground water levels are not depleted leading to
scarcity, saltation of water at the coast and in some cases reduction of water s to rivers lakes
and ocean. Water conservation strategy also requires continuous communication and education
to land managers policy makers, farmers and general on the need of continuous water
conservation for sustainable living. Communication of the science of how water systems work
is an important aspect when creating a management plan to conserve that system and is often
used for ensuring the right management plan to be put into action, (Delgado et al 2011)
The goal of water conservation effort can be focused to reduce unnecessary water intake and
to alter the flow to the places where physical and chemical properties of the water are
encouraging to reuse. In addition, water conservation plans can be implemented by new
planning, management, technology, regulatory and enforcement in water supplying systems
and re-habilitate in water usage habit to individuals. The key point in water conservation plans
is monitoring the water sources and reservoirs of stream flows, surface water resources and
ground water levels. First, securing the drinking water from the water scarcity, over
consumption, degradation, natural damage (e.g. drought, flood damage, waste of rainwater),
prolonged unsustainable management and pollution sources should be delineated and avoided
Therefore, Government should implement stringent rules on peoples and industries along with
surface water storage, conservation of rain water, ground water conservation such as artificial
recharge and percolation tank method, catchment area protection (CAP), inter-basin transfer
of water, adoption of drip sprinkler irrigation, management of growing pattern of crops such
as selection of crop varieties, nutritional management, and role of antitranspirants, reducing
evapotranspiration, reducing evaporation from various water bodies, recycling of water and
conservation of water in domestic use, reduce the loss of water and reuse of wastewater and
artificial recharge to groundwater sustainable water. (Kurunthachalam,2014)
Benefits of water conservation to the Community
With proper water conservation, the community will have sustainable farming that provide
adequate food. in addition, the community will be free from deceases illness and sickness that
emanate from drinking contaminated water. With adequate clean water we shall have a healthy
community free from deceases and which contribute to sustainable economic development.
Benefits of water conservation to the Academy
Water conservation for sustainable development will provide insight and understanding on
methods of water conservation for a healthy working nation. The study will add into the
knowledge furtherance on sustainable water conservation.
Benefits for the Global Village:
Its estimated that the world population will be 9.4 billion by 2020(J.K. Berry et all,2003). Such
a huge growth will require adequate clean water. Therefore, the world should take cognizant
of the importance of sustainable water conservation to secure a future with clean and adequate
Overall Purpose.
Water conservation in key in sustainable environment management. The protection and
conservation of water catchment areas is key to a healthy nation. In addition, water
conservation will contribute to the economic development of the nation.
This study therefore contributes the study in studying the role of water conservation for
environmental sustainability.
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Water is life! Nice read
Such an eye opener. This is very informative.
such a well written article on water conservation!!very educative!
Nice article
In the wake of COP28 sumit, this is such a timely and well though read